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   Giro di Lombardia    

 Server time: 15 Mar 2025 09:05:19 CET
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Country & Rider statistics

Race Winners

2022 GIRMAY HAILU Biniam

2021 VAN AERT Wout

2020 PEDERSEN Mads

2019 KRISTOFF Alexander

2018 SAGAN Peter


2016 SAGAN Peter

2015 PAOLINI Luca


2013 SAGAN Peter

2012 BOONEN Tom

2011 BOONEN Tom

2010 EISEL Bernhard



2007 BURGHARDT Marcus

2006 HUSHOVD Thor

2005 MATTAN Nico

2004 BOONEN Tom

2003 KLIER Andreas

2002 CIPOLLINI Mario

2001 HINCAPIE George

2000 VAN BONDT Geert

1999 STEELS Tom


1997 GAUMONT Philippe

1996 STEELS Tom


1994 PEETERS Wilfried

1993 CIPOLLINI Mario

1992 CIPOLLINI Mario

1991 ABDOUJAPAROV Djamolidine

1990 FRISON Herman

1989 SOLLEVELD Gerrit

1988 KELLY Sean

1987 VAN VLIET Teun

1986 BONTEMPI Guido


1984 BONTEMPI Guido

1983 VAN VLIET Leo

1982 HOSTE Frank

1981 RAAS Jan


1979 MOSER Francesco

1978 VAN DEN HAUTE Ferdi

1977 HINAULT Bernard

1976 MAERTENS Freddy

1975 MAERTENS Freddy

1974 HOBAN Barry

1973 MERCKX Eddy

1972 SWERTS Roger

1971 PINTENS Georges

1970 MERCKX Eddy

1969 VEKEMANS Willy

1968 GODEFROOT Walter

1967 MERCKX Eddy

1966 VAN SPRINGEL Herman

1965 DEPAUW Noel

1964 ANQUETIL Jacques

1963 BEHEYT Benoni

1962 VAN LOOY Rik



1959 VAN DAELE Léon

1958 FORE Noël

1957 VAN LOOY Rik

1956 VAN LOOY Rik

1955 SCHOTTE Briek

1954 GRAF Rolf

1953 IMPANIS Raymond

1952 IMPANIS Raymond

1951 ROSSEEL André

1950 SCHOTTE Briek

1949 KINT Marcel

1948 OLLIVIER Valère


1946 STERCKX Ernest

1945 VAN EENAEME Robert

1939 DECLERCK André

1938 GODAERT Hubert

1937 VAN EENAEME Robert

1936 VAN EENAEME Robert

1935 DEPREITERE Albert

1934 VAN BELLE Gustaaf

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Written by Wicky (2005-03-01 00:00)
Translated by DZI (2006-01-11 00:00:00)

At the same time as the “Vuelta al País Vasco” stage race is held in Spain, Belgium hosts one of their classic races. Gent – Wevelgem is held for the first time in 1934. Back then the flag first came down on the 9th of the 9th that year.

In those days all races were very long indeed, 300 kilometres was no exception. Surprisingly enough, this race was the odd one out and with only 120 kilometres raced, the riders already arrived in Wevelgem. Gustav van Belle only sat 3.5 hours on his bike when he was the first victor of this inaugural edition. In 1945, just after the Second World War, the race was elevated to a professional level.

After receiving that professional “label” the route is reviewed. The organisers add some more tarmac into the route, so now more than 200 kilometres have to be raced. But the route seems to change almost every year, and a few years later the riders have to endure 277 km on their bikes. Lateron, the distance was reduced again, now 244 kilometres long, and slowly the lenght reduced to it’s present level of around the 210 kilometre mark.

Squeezed in between the Tour of Flanders and Paris – Roubaix (The Hell of the North), Gent – Wevelgem did achieve it’s goals and managed to develope a character of it’s own. Just on the basis of lenght and long winding roads right across the flat countryside where the wind is a constant factor and a true enemy of the riders. Also, a climb called the “Kemmelberg” will look like a hughe climb when weatherconditions are bad, and often makes the difference in the race.

In short the race is a true classic now and this race suits attacking riders very much. Also sprinters stand a good chance if their teams manage to keep the pack together. Past winners include some very big names like Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault and Jacques Anquetil. Local hero Rik van Looy was very proud of his three wins, so was “Iron” Briek Schotte (two wins).

Also in the modern era well known champions are present. Mario Cipollini (3 wins) and now Tom Boonen are the masters of sprint. In 2005 no sprint, but a controversial win by Nico Mattan was somewhat of a scandal. Lone escapist Juan Antonio Flecha (Spanish) was clearly on his way to winning the race, when 2nd placed Mattan (Belgian), aided by the following cars and many motorcycles, overtook Flecha with only a few hundred metres to go and won Gent - Wevelgem. Protests by Flecha’s team were rejected. Let’s just hope the organisers won’t allow this to happen twice!

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